
The next PR was held in both TOT offices


Every quarter we spend almost two weeks on Performance Review. All employees take turns meeting with the "commission", which includes their line managers and company management. Another such session has just ended.

Such reviews are mutual: not only colleagues evaluate the employee's achievements, but he also shares his work problems and points out potential bottlenecks in work processes that reduce his productivity. The purpose of the review is to synchronize the employee's work goals and objectives with the strategic and operational goals of the company, to resolve potential conflicts in the bud and, ultimately, to increase the productivity, engagement and satisfaction of each team member. This is not an exam, but an equivalent dialogue.

Mikhail is tactfully interested in the reasons for the decrease in motivation
Mikhail is tactfully interested in the reasons for the decrease in motivation

Before each Performance Review, an employee analyzes which of the goals that he has set himself for the past period have been met, and which have not been met, and why. And he comes to the revue with a new set of goals for the next quarter.

We believe that four Performance Reviews per year is quite enough. Too frequent prs require a lot of resources, too rare ones allow goals to "rot", and conflicts and discontent to accumulate a critical mass. At the same time, we consider mobility to be an important part of the practice: the delegation of the Moscow office comes to Yekaterinburg and vice versa.


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